GPM Carbon

GPM Carbon - green activated carbon production

To join this project, your GPM Carbon must read information that will help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission.
This project is part of the GPM Planet Group. For details about the company, visit This project brings together a professional team of like-minded people. During collaboration, from research to prototyping, the team showed determination, resources and professionalism. At that time, because we wanted to introduce potential applications to the technology industry, we formed a friendly and effective team that focused on results.
In terms of economic indicators, this project is interesting because of the ability to convert cryptocurrency into real money with good conversion rates. This marketing is determined by the market because there are two investment strategies for crypto currency holders.
In addition to creating unique production from high quality raw materials, we offer the highest level of service to our customers. On the basis of the company, a vertically integrated structure was created, which included: production location, warehouse, transportation and information logistics. Process management is carried out in all business areas, and company tokens become payment units for the entire corporate ecosystem.

The GPM Carbon Project solves three main problems of modern society:

pollution Soil pollution
Food contamination
What is activated carbon? Activated carbon is a unique and ideal (absorption) cleaning agent because of its physical and chemical properties. At present, it is difficult to identify industries where this unique adsorbent is not used. In fact, this is the second material after iron in wide applications.

Applications of activated carbon Activated carbon is used in the following areas

Atmosphere: Purification of gas emissions, including desulphurization, gas purification plants from nuclear power plants, separators of gasoline steam vehicles, destruction of chemical weapons, destruction of solid waste, cleaning of air in the living room and workspace.
Hydrosphare: Drinking water treatment, sanitation, water treatment, radioactive liquid waste treatment, gold and non-ferro extraction.
Lithosphare: Protection of soil against xenobiotics, including pesticides, soil improvement, protection zones for water supply.
Men: Individual and collective protection against filters, chemical and pharmaceutical products, vitamins, antibiotics, enterosorption and hemosorption, the production of environmentally friendly foods.

The main application of activated carbon

Chemie. Production: chemical fibers, synthetic rubber, dyes, chemicals, etc.

Medically. Production: chemical and pharmaceutical reagents, antibiotics and vitamins, medicines etc.
Essen. Production: sugar, oil and fat, starch and molasses, wine and vodka, cigarette filters and others.
Metallurgy. Production: Flotation (concentration) of non-ferrous metal ore, metallurgy and non-ferrous iron ore, gold mining.
Improve gas and oil. Production: separation and purification of process flow, plasticizer production.
Nuclear industry.

Modern manufacturer

Problems Studying the experience of making activated carbon from world-leading manufacturers leads to a disappointing conclusion: most of the leading manufacturers often produce high-quality products aimed at solving environmental problems. Time really ruins the planet's ecology. This is mainly due to the method of production and preparation of raw materials needed for production as well as technology and production processes.

Analytical Study of Active Carbon Market Development
Unique cleansing properties of activated carbon, which make it possible to solve various environmental problems and modern production technologies, are becoming increasingly widespread. The supply of activated carbon is very broad and the gap between supply and demand continues to increase.

Factors that determine the growth of the activated carbon market:
Continuous improvement in stringent environmental regulations in key markets - in the US, Canada and Western Europe. Water, air and industrial waste treatment, stringent standards for removing mercury from the air in fossil fuel-based energy production (carbon, oil and natural gas), stricter emission standards for vehicles - all of these areas require wider and wider use . Activated Carbon.

Raise emission standards and control water and air pollution in China, India, and many other developing countries. Population growth, water and air pollution from rapid industrialization and depletion of clean water sources increase the need for activated carbon.
Increase production activities and active implementation of innovative technology in industrialized countries. Most processes that use activated carbon are based on their use during the manufacturing process.

Target Carbon Project Objectives are to regulate the production of activated carbon according to the developed green technology (see description and technical description above) and to provide appropriate services to consumers through the introduction of vertically integrated structures.

Business structure The
commencement of activated carbon production with our technology is based on the following advantages:

Raw materials. Always available in the amount needed. The quality of raw materials needed to produce activated carbon is the best in the world.
Producing products with our technology significantly reduces costs compared to the costs of the largest global producers.

We have more than a dozen innovative economies that are patented for the successful implementation of the project.
Production technology will be located in our complex production area. Competitive advantages include excellent geographic location, highly qualified personnel, and full technological readiness from production sites for installation and commissioning of technology equipment.

Industry-oriented blockchain project
Based on real production of
full transparency at all stages
Unique, stable and innovative Blockchain products
Opportunity to become a raw token owner
Full refund in 18 months
Over $ 1.3 million invested in R&D and Management and Marketing

USP Token:
GPM Coin is a real economic sector project that has a material manifestation. GPM Coin gives you the right to receive this highly liquid product (activated carbon for universal use), which has a good competitive position due to its high physical and chemical characteristics and is produced using unique environmentally friendly technology through the use of technical raw materials. The company ecosystem is designed so that customers can pay for GPM Coin tokens. Markers will become a universal payment tool in carbon ecosystems.
Blockchain technology applied

Economic token
  1. Tigi
  2. Pre-sale
  3. Owner
  4. Presents
  5. Tim
  6. Torture
Road map
2013-Development and technology patents commenced
Modernization of complex production 2015
2017-Modernization of complex production engineering systems
2018-business plan and financial model development
TGE main event 2019 TGE
Main production facility 2020 launched
Building a GPM Carbon Ecosystem with 2021 Technology-Blockchain
Launching lines 2022-GPM Carbon products themselves

  • Igor Kashnov
Overall Strategic Planning and Project Management
  • Pavelya Senkov
Business planning, analysis and project financial management.
  • Rey Kat Couzin
Expertise in finance, administration, marketing and public procurement.
  • Alexey levinski
Internet marketing.
Project management of investment activities.
  • Rome Cord Boutique
Automate the development and release of IT systems business processes; Web development, blockchain, smart contract
  • DMITRENKO Victor
Marketing Expertise: Exclusive B2B Services and Exclusive Project Promotion in the US, Australia and Europe Markets
  • Konstantin nesterenko
Technology, R&D, HR and management
  • Eduardo Rumi Anse
Expertise in Financial Planning

  • Ballet shows
Experts in the safe storage, processing and transmission of communication systems and sensitive personal data. Specialist in social engineering and countermeasures.
  • Alexander and Coral
Foreign economic relations. Location on the world market. EU business development advisor, marketing and sales strategy.
  • Naver Kapoor
Analis bisnis. Manajer Proyek Utama Scrum. Pakar blockchain.


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