The company uses hydrogen innovation to regulate digital money diggers

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Bitcoin  is the beginning of the history of crypto currencies and crypto mining in the world. It began in 2009 when crypto reshaped the face of world economic distribution. Crypto mining then, is not public and not popular so you can count private bitcoin miners at the time. Bitcoin miners are rarely distributed from 2009 and the population of data centers continues to grow because more and more bitcoin is available to be mined. This is a new and good source of income - a motivation in bitcoin mining.
Mining rigs are simpler than any computer system with a CPU graphics processor, mining configuration, internet connectivity, bitcoin wallet, and constant power supply. Anyone can buy it and start mining as long as electricity is available and cheap.
When developments occurred, the ASIC mining rig began to replace CPU miners because the output of the mined bitcoins improved but without high energy consumption. Data centers are increasing and starting to fill densely populated areas with low social and environmental standards and cheaper energy costs, for example in China where coal-powered electricity supplies. This, of course, increases environmental risks for humans and animals.


The Iiris Hydrogen Arc Ecosystem is the first mining project in the world to protect the environment through a unique energy concept, making bitcoin mining not only very profitable, but also environmentally friendly through the use of innovative technology, utilizing the forces of nature.
Arc Iris aims to carry out the next generation integrated project for sophisticated cryptocurrency mining which is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. This will provide a safe long-term investment with reverse cryptocurrency exposure, but safe against cryptocurrency volatility by ensuring the lowest operating costs. This project envisages utilizing Hydrogen technology to power cryptocurrency miners. We create cost-efficient and efficient cryptocurrency mining facilities with a strong infrastructure backbone. Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin mining will be powered by Hydrogen energy with best and sustainable practices.
The cryptocurrency mining industry has been revolutionary and extraordinary in its formation years since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. Mining can be done using a variety of processing equipment depending on the type of currency and mining algorithm and the protocol they follow. Bitcoin requires very powerful equipment such as ASIC devices that can produce enough processing power to mine it profitably. However, each type of cryptocurrency mining requires large processing power, and the utilization of large amounts of energy simultaneously.

Using our unique, Smart Mining Cloud Facility That Is Cost Effective And No Threat To Our Environment! Join Us Today And Start With The Power Of A Free Hash!
Industry and Market Overview The
cryptocurrency mining industry has been revolutionary and remarkable in its formation years since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. As the mining industry moves towards its maturity phase, its future looks bright and filled with extraordinary developments. However, operating costs, especially energy consumption, are a key consideration for the entire cryptocurrency mining industry.
SITUATION : Electricity providers provide electricity largely from fossil fuels that massively contribute to environmental hazards in countries where mining is concentrated with very low social and environmental ethics and regulations. Energy is the most important priority and No. 1 for successful industries including the crypto currency mining industry.
The energy needed for a successful and successful crypto mining business is BIG because this requires around 55-70% of revenue from crypto mining, for example bitcoin.
The situation with crypto mining causes many environmental challenges, not limited to the total extinction of most animals, living as a result of rising temperatures through increasing levels of carbon footprint. Genetic mutations, an increase in the number of cancer cells, to name but a few are the health problems associated with fossil fuel exposure on earth.
High electricity costs are also a problem because this threatens investors. This causes bitcoin miners to migrate from country to country, region to region for lower energy costs, thereby causing a dense bitcoin mining population in an area such as China thereby increasing the carbon footprint in that region.
  1. Provide a safe energy infrastructure for the environment that will be integrated into bitcoin mining operations.
  2. Through fuel cell technology utilizing hydrogen fuel.
This is where  ARC IRIS Development Inc. is  here to provide innovative and disruptive models to successfully overcome environmental problems and other costs associated with crypto currency mining such as bitcoin mining.
Why Choose the Iris Arc
  • The latest and most advanced mining hardware
  • The fastest mining hardware
  • Low operating costs
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Cheaper hardware due to large scale purchases
  • Nice user interface
  • Alternative currency mining (Altcoin)
  • Reliable and reliable mining partner
  • The facility to transfer mining power to mine the cryptocurrency that is available with us, gives you the flexibility that is urgently needed to take advantage of emerging market opportunities.
  • Downtime can be neglected because various technicians handle ongoing mining operations and resolve any issues instantly.
  • An honest and transparent cloud mining service
  • There are no heavy initial costs for cloud mining users who do not require large investments in setting up their own mining operations.
  • Direct mining output even for new users who use cloud mining contracts, thanks to the hardware that is already running
  • There is no loss for cloud mining users due to obsolete hardware.
  • No need to hire a technician to take care of the hardware
  • There are no hassles or problems associated with mining operations themselves such as heating, loud noise, etc.
  • Responsive and fast customer service
Iris ARC Coins ARC
Iris development Inc. develops fuel cell technology that uses hexagonal water byproducts that divide structured water into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is used by fuel cell technology made by the ARC IRIS company.
ARC IRIS Coin (ACI) was developed as a crypto currency coin based on the POW Script algorithm.
ACI Coin is a local coin used in the ARC IRIS ecosystem which will be used to purchase this cost-effective hydrogen fuel cell-powered mining farm.
With the help of this hydrogen fuel cell technology, you can massively reduce the share of external energy demand and the costs involved. ARC Iris Development Inc. designs crypto server services that operate on hydrogen power through fuel cell technology and then offer them as products to trade to crypto currency companies (customers) in the mining industry. That is why ACI Coin is printed to provide purchasing power for customers.
Another development with ARC Iris is the optimization of full vertical integration along the value chain with the aim of achieving the best results in operations and efficiency in asset and portfolio management and crypto operations.
Through ACI Coin: ARC Iris will utilize the latest blockchain technology and environmentally friendly best practices for sustainable organizations.
Iris Arc (ACI) Coin

Arc Iris (ACI) Coin is a cryptocurrency coin based on blockchain technology. ACI Coin is built on the blockchain platform owned by Arc Iris Development Inc. ACI Coin is based on the Scrypt POW algorithm. This makes ACI Coin more secure. ACI Con will be used as a loyalty coin. All contracts and reference prizes will be paid in ACI Coins. The Iris Arc allows people to invest profitably and get returns safely. With the value of ACI Coins based on fixed income from Arc Iris Development Inc. cryptocurrency mining operations, investors who buy ACI Coins will be protected at a more stable price.
ACI will be listed on the leading cryptocurrency exchanges that provide ACI Coins with high liquidity, and thus, benefit coin holders with a variety of uses. Decentralized coin exchange facilitates trading and exchange of financial instruments and currencies on the blockchain. ACI coins will be able to function as a currency for use on common cryptocurrency standards. ACI Coin complies with the latest cryptocurrency standards and works with all relevant applications and platforms.
Every digital currency wallet can hold ACI Coins. ACI Coin is easily exchanged with other cryptocurrency and ACI coin holders can exchange ACI coins with other currencies on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Coin Name Arc Iris Symbol ACI Type of Utility Amount of Supply 1000000000 Price of 1 ACI coin 0.1 USD Minimum Investment 100 USD Available for purchase with BTC, ETH Whitelist / KYC KYC ACI coins

ARC-IRIS Wallet is multi-decentralized a currency wallet for the community to offer smooth and hassle-free services.
Private keys are stored only with the user to ensure maximum security
ARC_IRIS supports a hierarchical determinant wallet equipped with 2 FA
Cryptocurrency security standards
Keeping private keys offline and online with the wallet watching only
ARC-IRS supports ACI, BTC, ETH, LTC, ZEC, all tokens ECR20 and continuously adding more ARC-IRIS
supporting paper wallets
ARC-IRIS wallet will be launched in January 2020
ARC-IRIS wallet is equipped with 500 ACI-Coins for the first 10,000
Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
We aim to collect 30 million USD. The purpose of raising funds is to start an integrated cryptocurrency mining facility. Arc Iris has a strong business model that is supported by efficient cryptocurrency mining operations with stable and visible future cash flows and profits. It was determined that up to 1 billion coins would be issued with a nominal price of $ 0.1 USD. Coin distribution is preferred by ordinary investors who are allocated 60% of ACI Coins through crowd sales.

The coin distribution details are as follows:


Pre-Sales ICO Sales Schedule:
December 1 2019 - December 31 2019 - 1 ACI = $ 0.025
Growd-Sale / ICO:
January 1 2019 - January 31 2019 - 1 ACI = $ 0, 05
February 1 2019 - February 29 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.06
March 1 2020 - March 31 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.07
April 1 2020 - April 30 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.08
soft stamp: 1, 000,000 USD
hard stamp: 15,000,000 USD
uy ACI-Coin Now  Road Map Q2 2019 Conception and Market Analysis Project Q3 2019 ICO Planning and Formation Team Q4 2019 Pre-ICO and ICO Launch Q1 2020 Start Construction of Activities Q2 2020

Development and Launch Phase Beta
Q3 2020
Launch of
Q4 2020  Mining Operations Team
The Arc Iris Development Inc. Publicity Marketing and Campaign and the Arc Iris team consists of highly experienced and qualified professionals. Management has the depth and breadth of exposure and experience in various domains in network technology, digital currency space / cryptocurrency, the latest blockchain technology, energy, Hydrogen technology, etc. Some of the brilliant Arc Iris team members are as follows: Nikolay Davidenko CEO Myroslav Vakulyuk CFO - Chief - Financial Officer Oleg Olefirenko COO - Chief Operating Officer Vansh Tah Blockchain Developer

Aniket Tiwari
Frontend Engineer & Service Now Consultant
Akshat Verma
MEAN Developer Stack
Yogiraj Rao
Backend Developer
Chandan Mishra
Complete Stack Developer
Frederik Lund
Sergey Klimov

Username: moqusul


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