Entice Coins

 Entice Coins (NTIC) creates an all-new world of digital crypto banking.

Entice games whitelist

 Every activity in this world is digitized in the era of digitization. So how can money, the most important aspect of life, be neglected? The digital world expects digital money to be available at the click of a finger on their phone. While your cell phone has always had money in the form of electronic wallets, mobile banks and other services, as technology advances, the entire human species advances towards convenience and convenience.

Entice Coin (NTIC) co-founded by Yax Sheth, Ebrahim Bangdiwala, Anshul Bisht & Kunal Barad stepped into the world of FinTech with Blockchain & Cryptocurrency. They have a mission to revolutionize the traditional banking sector and bring the concept of Crypto Banking.  With cryptocurrency, the world will experience online transactions using cryptographic technology.  Entice Coin (NTIC) will help one to have all the Banking facilities with EnticeX.

Entice Coins (NTIC) will trade in three different domains of crypto usage, namely NFT, Gaming, and Crypto Exchange.  With all these use cases, Entice is disrupting the crypto world.  The Entice Coin (NTIC) Ecosystem will deal with the Crypto world and provide its services in it.  Entice NFT holders will receive extraordinary privileges.  Entice NFT holders will benefit from Entice Play & Earn Crypto Mini-Games earnings, which will provide them with a passive source of income.  The NFT market skyrocketed in 2021 and now it's a lot to have to own. In the new world of crypto ecosystem, Entice Coins (NTIC) helps you trade with unique and inimitable non-fungible tokens.

To enhance gaming experience with crypto ecosystem, Entice has crypto mini-games for all new digital world experience.  Crypto Mini-Games from Entice will revolutionize the way crypto games are played.  Two players can compete in one-on-one games and earn money.  While playing the mini-game, one will earn enchanting coins (NTIC).  This will not only develop a craze for gaming but will also provide an entirely new method of earning in the crypto world.  Getting rewarded will excite gamers and non-gamers alike to explore and move forward with this technological way of generating and evolving.

The global economy inevitably moves to a virtual ecology. From investments to money transfers, everything is done paperless. Cryptocurrencies are the latest and exciting addition to virtual charging zones.

Entice Coin (NTIC), created by YaxSheth, Ebrahim Bangdiwala, Anshul Bisht, and Kunal Barad, has experienced great success in FinTech using Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.

They change traditional banking techniques and represent the idea of ​​Crypto Banking. They feel that by leveraging the invention of cryptography, the world will be able to enjoy online transactions.

Not only that, Entice has built a crypto community on various platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, and various media, which allows them to reach a wider audience. Entice coin received a great reception during its inaugural presale, demonstrating the passion and service of the founders. Recently, they destroyed an enticing 52,808.77 coins, showing how burning events can generate significant profits and promote the demand for certain cryptocurrencies, they are growing in popularity and being discovered by major Crypto Fame celebrities around the world.

With this good enthusiasm, Entice coin will hold important events in the following months following the huge success of Presale 1.

They are back with a second round of pre-sale, which will start on May 22, 2022, and will also include an Affiliate program, in which existing crypto investors will be able to participate in it. You can also take advantage of free merchandise that Entice will give as a token of appreciation, the presale price this time will be doubled.

Along with that, Entice will be releasing another big shot for NFT sales, which will kick off on June 15th.

They have planned the launch of the groundbreaking Beta game for July, which will be a crypto based gaming platform where one can earn Entice coins to play.

Entice has crypto mini-games for all new digital world experiences to enrich the gaming experience with crypto ecosystem. Entice's Crypto Mini-Games will change the way people play crypto games. Two people can engage in one-on-one games to earn money. Playing mini-games allows you to earn interesting coins (NTIC). This will not only expand the gaming craze but will also create a whole new way of earning in the crypto world. Being rewarded will encourage both gamers and non-gamers to explore and advance these technological means to generate and thrive.

How to Get Entice Token (NTIC)?

Join— When a user logs into Entice Games, he/she earns 50 Entice Coins (NTIC) in their game wallet. These coins can be used to play and win games.

Referrals— Users can earn Referral Bonuses by referring Entice Games to their friends and family. The amount of the referral bonus depends on their badge. Starting from 20 Entice Coins (NTIC).

Daily Jackpot—Each user gets 1 free daily jackpot spin. If the user gets 3 Entice logos, this is a jackpot and he gets 10 Entice Coins (NTIC) as a prize. If the user gets 2 Entice logos, he/she gets 3 Entice Coins (NTIC) as a reward. And for a different outcome, we have prizes other than Entice Coins (NTIC).

Mining - This is something of interest and Entice Games users can earn Entice Coins (NTIC) daily just by playing the game. There are different categories of mining pools. The user can be in all mining pools if he performs a category specific task. Mine pools are made every day.

Win — User has betting options for each game. Now has 0 NTIC, 1 NTIC, 2 NTIC, 5 NTIC & 10 NTIC options to play the game. Both players will bet with Entice Coin (NTIC) equal to the bet amount. Then 20% will be deducted from the total bet amount as platform fee. Now the winner has all the Entice Coins (NTIC) when winning the game. Losers lose everything.

Entice Coins (NTIC) is gaining traction in the commercial and financial sectors. They have started to revolutionize traditional banking by introducing the concept of coins and cryptocurrencies. The whole world will be able to make online transactions using cryptographic technology with crypto money, they will help you to have a comprehensive technology and digital assets as an investment. Soon, cryptocurrencies will be used as a medium of exchange on a global scale, just like paper money or real money is now.

Ekosistem Enice Coin

Entice Coins (NTIC) trades in three different domains of crypto usage namely NFT, Gaming, and Crypto Exchange. With all these use cases, Entice is disrupting the crypto world.

  1. Games - Entice launches Crypto game where players 1 Vs. 1 with friends and online players alone and earn Attractive Coins. To enhance the gaming experience with the crypto ecosystem, Entice has a crypto minigame for all new digital world experiences. Crypto Mini-Games from Entice will revolutionize the way crypto games are played. Two players can compete against each other in one-on-one games and earn money. While playing the minigame, one can earn Entic Coins (NTIC). This will not only develop a passion for gaming, but will also provide a new way to make money in the crypto world. Appreciated will excite gamers and non-gamers to explore and move forward with technological means to produce and develop.
  2. NFT — Attractive NFTs offer exclusive benefits to their holders. Attract NFT holders to have passive income through Entice Play & Earn Entice Games. Entice NFT holders will benefit from Entice Play & Earn Crypto Mini-Games earnings which will provide them with a passive source of income. Entice Coins (NTIC) helps you trade with unique and irreplaceable tokens that are unique and irreplaceable.
  3. EnticeX — Entice Coins (NTIC) also presents the possibility of cryptocurrency exchange with EnticeX. Entic Exchange has a vision to create a Crypto Bank for the Crypto World. Crypto Systematic Investment Plan, Crypto Fixed Deposit and many more features are available. EnticeX's highlights are not just limited to these, but extend to a wider range of P2P, staking, pool, farming, spot trading and margin trading. Overall, crypto banks will have digital and crypto functions for digital coin ownership and digital collection issuance. Hence making digital ownership smooth.

It was reasonable and feasible, but one had to take small steps at first, and after witnessing the advantages and benefits, one would definitely come back and secure more money. Go to the Entice Coins (NTIC) website and start exploring the new crypto world.

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